The Robert W. Brown Council of Deliberation for the States of California and Hawaii is composed of Thirty Third, and Thirty Second Degree Masons and was organized October 16, 1967 at which time the Illustrious Peer Frank G. Allen was appointed Deputy of the Orient for California/Hawaii by Sovereign Grand Commander SGIG Jon G. Lewis. In his letter he ordered that the State of California/Hawaii would be placed under the control of one Deputy, and that because of the size of the state, the Deputy would recommend to the Sovereign Grand Commander, an Overseer of the Work to assist him in supervising and promoting the Rite.
The Robert W. Brown Council of Deliberation is a subordinate of the United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, Prince Hall Affiliation for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America which is headquartered at Washington in the District of Columbia, and is the supreme authority of the Rite. It has territorial Jurisdiction over the following states and territories: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Korea, Republic of Liberia, and the Philippine Islands.
Scottish Rite Masonry started in California October 19, 1908 when Victoria Consistory No. 25 and Los Angeles Consistory No. 26 received their respective charters. Nelson Scott was the first Commander – in – Chief of Victoria Consistory No. 25 located in the City of Oakland. Benjamin F. Warner was the first Commander – in – Chief of Los Angeles Consistory No. 26 located in the City of Los Angeles. After serving two years as Commander – in – Chief of Los Angeles Consistory, Benjamin F. Warner was Coronated a Sovereign Grand Inspector Thirty Third Degree and appointed Deputy in 1910. He remained the Deputy until 1939 when Lillard G. Dandridge was Coronated a Sovereign Grand Inspector General and appointed Deputy.
California being such a large state, it had two Council of Deliberations operating within it borders from 1958 - 1961, one in Oakland which was headed by Sovereign Grand Inspector General Harvey Chisom, and one in Los Angeles, headed by Sovereign Grand Inspector General Lillard G. Dandridge. In 1962 a third Council of Deliberation was established in the City of San Francisco and it was headed by Sovereign Grand Inspector General Emmett L. Draper.
In a letter dated October 16, 1967 Sovereign Grand Commander, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Jon G. Lewis ordered that the State of California would come under the control of one Deputy. In the same letter Illustrious Peer Frank G. Allen was named Deputy for the entire State of California. The three Council of Deliberations was merged into one Council. Emmett L. Draper the former Deputy of San Francisco was elevated to Illustrious Grand Chancellor of the United Supreme Council. Walter C. Taylor was named Administrator of the Rite and elevated to the grade of Sovereign Grand Inspector General. Harvey Chisom was named Deputy Emeritus and retained his status of Sovereign Grand Inspector General and an active member of the United Supreme Council.
During the annual session of the Council of Deliberation, the body while in session voted to change the name to the Robert W. Brown Council of Deliberation for the States of California and Hawaii in memory of our departed Deputy of the Orient, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Robert W. Brown who passed away April 2003.